Monday, February 28, 2011


And so the dreaded apple, banana, egg white, milk dinners begin.  Well I did once dread them, but this time around it's different.  I'm ready, I actually look forward to the minimal effort on these dinners.  I just hope they give me enough energy come morning time to get my workout in.

This past weekend was interesting.  Fit in week 4's first workout on Saturday after a bikram yoga session.  I found I was a bit tired but I made it through the entire workout.  The elbow blows felt a bit different, meaning I didn't know if I was doing them right.  And the jumping side kicks, they are getting better.  I still need to work on landing with control, transitioning back to kung fu stance between kicks and figuring out where my hands and arms should be throughout the entire movement.  I feel that changes randomly depending on the what kind of control I have before, during and after the kick.

Early Sunday morning I woke up and felt pressure in my lower lip.  I went to the bathroom and turned on the light and was like, "WHOA!" (ala from the movie Hitch). My lower lip looked like a botched lip enhancement; like someone injected triple the amount of collagen into just that lip.  It was obvious I was having an allergic reaction to something, but I felt fine everywhere else and could breathe.  Nonetheless, I drove myself to the ER at 3:30AM to get treated cause I never had this happen before.  Turns out it was not a fast night at the ER, as they got really busy and since I wasn't life threatening, I was moved to low priority.  Well I waited and waited and finally my nurse got me a shot of benadryl and administered some other antihistamines at 5:30AM.  I waited some more because I just wanted to chat with a doctor and get properly discharged.  I finally saw a P.A. at 7:15AM.  He said that it was quite a peculiar allergic reaction, to have the swelling so localized.  But he also said it should go away in 1-2 days with antihistamine treatment and after whatever it was gets out of your system.  I have a feeling I know what it was, I tried some new freeze-dried asian pears and well, now I know, those are not for me.  That wait time was ridiculous, but at least I had a bed and could take quick naps in between the nurse performing routine diagnostics.  When I was finally discharged, the swelling had gone done a tad but my lower lip was still pretty inflated.  I felt like the guy from Kung Fu Hustle when he was stung by a lot of bees/wasps and as he was recovering from those stings, his lips were just hanging there swollen and not under his control.

For the rest of Sunday 9AM-4PM, I played in a volleyball tournament.  So having my sleep interrupted was not ideal, but I was only a bit tired throughout the day. I ended up having a pretty OK day of play though.  My volleyball game is improving beyond my PCP and KFB expectations.  I was able to get to a lot more balls than I could before PCP/KFB.  I felt more explosive and quick out of my defensive position.  I was also complimented on my play by several peers.  Yes, I'm well on my way to being at my best volleyball ability ever thanks to PCP and KFB.  And playing with a swollen lower lip didn't hinder me at all.

I am fascinated by the little improvements I notice everyday. <3 KFB.


  1. Interesting reaction--and great that you 'played through' your 'injury'! The closest I've come to anything similar was the time when I was 7 or 8, when I drank a jar of pickle juice, then broke out in hives.

    And Bikram Yoga AND your work-out--kick-ass!

  2. Way to kick ass in your volleyball game! I, too, am fascinated by shifts I've noticed in real-life applications since finishing PCP. Skiing has never felt so effortless. You're doing great, Ellen! Keep up the inspired work.

  3. Oh man I wish you had taken a picture of that lip. So badass. I can imagine few sports where kung fu would be more useful than volleyball. The jumping, the range of different movements you have to do, the speed. Looking forward to hearing it improves your game.
