Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Missed Bows

Ugh!  Again with the missed bow before I commence my workout!  And again I missed the bow after meditation.  How do I forget that one??  I mean I'm already, calm and collected and shouldn't I want to honor the light within me???  Ugh, meditation is making me frustrated- HA!  OK venting done, moving on.

The food is going well.  I miss Chipotle but I'm getting by.  This morning's breakfast seemed gigantic, hard boiled egg, avocado, tomatoes all sliced on top of some prairie gold bread (my favorite kind of whole wheat bread).  I suppose it would have made a nice picture, but alas it ended up in my belly in no time.

As for the 4 things Patrick asked for a few days ago, I have accomplished 1 out of the 4.  I tested my "cold, just woke up" forward fold.  I was still a good hand length from the floor, so yeah, I hope to see some improvement here.  I still need to test my ping-pong ball punching accuracy, jump to a specific height and finally take that photo.

I'm enjoying the Kung Fu workouts and in combination with bikram yoga...I'm feeling really good as of late physically.


  1. And yet you were mindful enough to notice that you forgot them! That's got to count for something.

    Yeah. The photo.... hmmmmm....

  2. Meditation can make you way frustrated if you approach it in the same spirit of "achievement" that you approach other things. At least, that's been my experience. I've had to relax into meditation in a way that was entirely new for me.

  3. Today I decided to put bows in all over the place! Between each section and before and after meditation. Maybe that will help me remember it -- if it is more present.

  4. Great to read that your 'feeling' the progress! And yeah, I still miss the bows. I assume we'll get better at remembering--just as our roping became more 'trip-free' over time.
