Saturday, February 12, 2011

The End of Week One

The first week of KFB went flying by.  It's hard to make time to blog.  The jump rope and meditation went well.  Although, 10 minutes did feel significantly longer.  And I started to notice and a dull ache in my inner legs and mid back in the few last minutes of meditation.  Guess I just need to practice the stillness. 

I'm looking forward to the next week's nutrition plan and exercises.


  1. Good noticing. I think noticing leads all by itself to improvement.

    Do you think it is all right to squirm a bit during meditation? Personally I've always been a slight squirmer. Else I get stuck in some annoying position and pridefully hold myself there for EVER..... and then feel dreadful afterwards.

    Congrats on your first flying week...

  2. Meditation can do funny things to your sense of time. Keep track of it, you'll have some days where the 10 minutes feels like 3, and others where it feels like 30.

    Rock week 2!
