Tuesday, February 15, 2011


As I start to really delve into this Kung Fu program, I'm noticing it is definitely testing my patience.  I forget to do the bows before and after the workout.  I think I'm still used to the PCP lifestyle, and trying to cram in the workout everyday.  And though Patrick calls the progressions of the workout a "mess", I find myself still missing the mundane resistance bands, counting the numerous reps and going to failure.  KFB is just different.  I am happy I'm doing it, because to dedicate 3 months to stretching and being mindful everyday is something I haven't done yet.

The food part is going well.  It's nice to have set grammage for the day, although the first and second days I was just a bit hungry at night, craving more vegetables.  My go to protein is salmon and I have some really nice balsamic vinegar I use to flavor it.  Tonight it's tangerine infused balsamic vinegar.  Although I have found my favorite is Blackberry infused balsamic vinegar on my salmon.  I get the vinegar from this place called L.O.V.E. which specializes in olive oils and vinegars right down the street from me.  I feel lucky to have the it so close by!

Inside L.O.V.E.

   The store features these large stainless steel canisters which house the various infused olive oils and vinegars. I just finished my last L.O.V.E. bottle so I should be showing my face there soon to re-stock/try new flavors!

1 comment:

  1. I love balsamic flavoring, use it alote in PCP and KFB
